Monthly Menstrual Cycle

Like a dandelion flower, we go through phases of growth that come with extraordinary experiences, from renewal, transformation to continued potential for new beginnings.
Let’s get into it! All four phases come with different strengths and demands! Your cycle length is anywhere between 25 days – 35 days


At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the uterine lining sheds.
This is active bleeding from Day 1.
This phase is metaphorically akin to a withered dandelion, its once
vibrant petals now fading and falling away
All hormones are at their lowest point as on the graph


Budding - Follicular Phase

FSH is released by the pituitary gland (master gland monitoring and regulating bodily functions – takes instructions from the hypothalamus) FSH hormone stimulates the development of ovarian follicles (tiny sacs in the ovary containing immature eggs) As these follicles grow, they produce estrogen which in turn triggers thickening of the uterine wall. You’ll notice a rise in FSH and estrogen levels on the graph

Flowering-Ovulatory Phase

LH is then released by the pituitary gland, triggering the release of the matured egg from the ovarian follicle You’ll notice LH, estrogen levels are heightened on the graphTestosterone also peaks at this stage in line with estrogen (although this is not shown on the graph) At this stage, a dandelion flower opens up, displaying its golden petals tothe world. It represents fertility and the peak of the menstrual cycle, where the potential for conception is at its highest.

Withering Dandelion - Luteal Phase

After ovulation the empty ovarian follicle transforms to a structure called corpus luteum. Corpus luteum then releases progesterone and some estrogen which maintains the thickness of the uterine wall built as well as prepares the for possible implantation. Without implantation of a fertilised egg, the corpus luteum breaks down leading to a decline in progesterone and disintegration/bleeding begins o You’ll notice progesterone is highest on the graph This phase is mirrors a dandelion flower withering and losing its petals. Hormone levels drop, and the uterine lining begins to break down.
image 51

Fruiting Dandelion - pregnancy

If the released egg is fertilized by a sperm, it leads to pregnancy.This stage is the fruiting stage. The fertilized egg contains the genetic information for a new life, just as the dandelion’s seed is essential for its future generations, the fertilized
egg holds the blueprint for a new human life.


We like to think of Peri-menopause as an interesting time for even more change.

Peri-menopause generally refers to the 5-10years before a final menstrual bleed.

Hormonally speaking, peri-menopause is the natural progression towards menopause which implies slowing down of ovulation and usually results in cycle irregularities.

Estrogen and progesterone fluctuate effecting physical and emotional symptoms.
Irregular cycles, Hot flashes, mood swings, Vaginal changes, low libido,bone density loss, weight gain, memory and concentration difficulties are

Every woman’s experience is different. This transition might have minimal effects on some and adverse on others based on a number of factors that range from hormonal health history, lifestyle, genetic predisposition to name a few.


At this pivotal stage in a woman’s experience, once she ceases to have a period for over a year, it indicates she’s officially reached menopause.

Menopause is a passage, one generation passes down the honour of womanhood, it’s a time to be free and go after dreams and bucket list goals that were never checked.

It’s a time to live and be fearless
It’s worth pointing out, a healthy menstrual cycle is a precursor to a healthy peri and menopause; therefore, your overall hormonal wellness is a commitment that should be embraced and enjoyed!

Talk To us

“ The brilliance of menopause has become subsumed in a culture in denial of cyclical life. When, in truth, menopause holds the key forawakening and instating women leaders of the future!” 

Alexandra Pope, author of Wild Power and founder of Red School
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