Highlights: Rest, Reflect and Slow down during this time
This phase might feel intense but also present stillness
Hormones are at their lowest so you might feel like turning inward
Spend more time reflecting inward as opposed to socializing and being
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Wise woman
Inner Winter
Fallowing season
Analyse and evaluate
Review plans and make adjustments
Your intuition is strong, use it!
Your Power
Evaluation and Intuition
Reflect on activities from the past month
You Might Feel
Low on energy
Vulnerable Pain
You'll Notice
Your body temperature is low
Your weight is on the higher end
Slow walks
Gentle stretches
minimal body stress
Reminder x Self care
Biologically, your body knows you’re not pregnant.
Use this time to rest and allow yourself sleep in and take it slow.
Pushing yourself might result in uncomfortable symptoms and
worsening cramps and other related symptoms
Fasting during this phase is not advisable